Ipod Nano 6th Gen Wrist Watch Strap Case Review

One of the best things about the sixth gen iPod Nano is it’s size and the availablilty of a number of innovative carry cases.

We’ve seen the “armstrap” type cases, the usual silicon cases, hard cases and necklace type cases but, when we came across watch strap cases which also basically turn the iPod Nano into a wrist watch we were most impressed. Fortunately our friends at Snugg make one of these wrist strap watch cases and were good enough to let us test and review their version of this type of case.

wrist strap ipod nano
On searching for information on these watch strap Nano cases we noted that several of these cases received negative feedback from users regarding quality of the case and fitment of the iPod Nano in the case. So we weren’t 100% confident on going into the testing that this case would be any different. However, as with other Snugg products we’ve tried, we were immediately impressed by the quality and fitment on Snugg’s version of the wrist strap case.

The strap itself is made from a chunky rubber material which feels of good quality and is comfortable to wear. The part of the case which the iPod fits into is made from some type of metal and also feels and looks of decent quality. The iPod Nano itself fits into this compartment securely by unscrewing one section of the compartment from the other, sliding the Nano in and then resecuring the compartment by screwing the two sections together again. Snugg provide a small screwdriver with the case to do this and the whole procedure isn’t difficult and nor does it take very long. The knowledge that the Nano is very secure within the case makes the effort feel worthwhile too.

snugg wrist strap ipod nano

Whilst the nano is encased in the strap, it is easily accessible, the buttons aren’t hindered at all. The headphone cable comes out of the Nano at the top of the strap/case and runs up your arm when you are wearing the earbuds/headphones which is a little weird to get used to but, once you do, the whole experience of wearing the iPod Nano on your wrist is quite pleasant and being able to put the Nano into ‘watch mode’ where by a clock face is shown on the screen (with a choice of different clock/watch designs), is not only useful but, rather funky too!

snugg wrist strap ipod

The only slight negative I found with this case is that the overall look of the case can seem a little chunky and is definitely more suited to a male wearing the strap, although females could get away with wearing it. It really is only a slight negative as I would imagine all wrist watch strap cases would be just as ‘chunky’ in order to fit the iPod Nano at all. This certainly wouldn’t put me off using the strap case.

Overall, once again I really do like this Snugg case. The quality of the case is just so good and I would recommend it to anyone who fancies using their Ipod Nano 6th gen as a watch and/or is looking for a case with a difference that is practical and more than just a little bit cool too.

PRICE: £29.99
LINK: Snugg iPod Nano 6G Metal Watch Band

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